Digital Spring Cleaning

Spring cleaning? Don’t forget your digital home!

Spring is in the air! Time to open the windows, banish the dust bunnies, and give your home a fresh start. But have you considered spring cleaning your digital home?

A digital spring cleaning is just like a regular spring cleaning but for your digital life. By decluttering, organizing, and updating your devices and accounts, you can improve their performance, increase security, and save money.

Here are some things to include on your digital spring-cleaning checklist:

  • Update your apps and software. Running the latest version can improve performance, enable new features, and improve security.
  • Delete unused accounts and uninstall unused apps. This not only frees up storage space and improves performance but can help protect your privacy.
  • Cancel unused subscriptions. Are you using all the subscriptions you pay for?
  • Clean up your downloads folder. Don’t let your downloads folder become a digital dumpster! Save the important files and delete the rest.

Check out the following posts for more tips and digital decluttering inspiration.

Screenshot of compromised password alert

PROTECT: Lock down your logins

Image of device with 100+ icons coming out of the screen

DECLUTTER: Conquer the desktop dumpster 

Screenshot of Facebook Privacy Checkup

STREAMLINE: Take control of your digital footprint

Photo of phone with several apps that need to be updated

REFRESH: Update your devices and apps