Following Pulse network construction, how long will it be before I can sign up for service?
At the time of this writing (June 2021), Loveland Pulse is in year two of an approximately four-year process to build its community-owned, 100% fiber-optic network past each and every address in the city.
A common question we receive is, “Construction has occurred in my neighborhood, the big yellow trucks have come and gone – now what?”
From the time that network construction begins in a neighborhood, we are typically able to begin providing gigabit service within six to nine months.
We hope that providing this information allows Lovelanders to start making plans for how they may wish to proceed with internet connectivity, after they receive “construction introduction” communications (letters, door hangers, and emails) from us – and when they see our team-members in their areas installing core components of the network.
As a reminder, you can sign up to stay in touch with us via email. We will message you when construction is going to begin in your area, and later when service becomes available, if you let us know you’d like us to stay in touch:
We are so proud of the work that has been done so far, and are thrilled that citizens are excited about service becoming available to them. We very much look forward to serving you now (where possible) and in the future, when we are available in your area!
* For more information on why the city has not published roll-out maps, or estimated timelines for service launch in specific areas, please visit this article we published in April 2020, discussing our commitment to transparency and the reasoning behind the decisions.