Loveland Pulse launches business service plans
Today, Pulse has launched its local, 100% fiber-optic high-speed internet and voice services for business.
Service is now available to businesses within current Pulse service areas. Business owners…

City utilities step up to bring free Wi-Fi to Loveland Public Library parking lot
Loveland’s Power Division and Loveland Pulse, the city’s communications utility, have joined forces to sponsor free Wi-Fi access outside of the Loveland Public Library.
The City’s IT department…

Loveland Pulse to announce service details June 18, kicks off social media giveaway countdown to celebrate
Loveland Pulse will unveil residential service plan details on June 18 and has kicked off a 10-day countdown to launch with a local social media giveaway to support local shops and restaurants.

Pulse achieves gigabit speeds in early testing environments
As we enter the month of May, we continue to make steady progress on our promise to provide reliable, high-speed internet service to all Loveland residents and businesses. It has been an exciting few months.