Photograph of high-school aged students sitting around a table. There is a laptop open on the table.

AI in School: A Parent’s Guide to Safety and Security

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming how we learn and work, and education is no exception. As AI-powered tools become commonplace in classrooms, students’ learning experiences and ways of engaging with educational content will be much different from their parents’ experiences.

While AI presents exciting opportunities for students, it also introduces potential risks. Here are some precautions you can take as a parent to protect your child’s safety and security online.

Open Communication

  • Discuss the benefits and risks of AI: Explain how AI can be a valuable tool but also highlight potential dangers like online scams and privacy breaches.
  • Set expectations: Establish clear guidelines for using AI tools, including appropriate websites, apps, and screen time limits.
  • Address Concerns: If you notice anything concerning, have open conversations about it.

Monitor Online Activity

  • Keep an eye on their digital footprint: Regularly check what your child is doing online to identify any concerning activities.
  • Utilize parental controls: Tools like Pulse’s Adaptive WiFi+ and HomePass® can help you monitor and manage internet access for each device in your home.

Choose Safe and Secure AI Tools

  • Research and select reputable tools: Prioritize AI-powered tools that prioritize security and privacy.
  • Stay informed: Keep up-to-date on the latest AI trends and potential risks.

Educate Yourself and Your Child

  • Learn about school policies: Understand how AI tools are used in your child’s classroom and what measures are in place to protect student data.
  • Attend workshops and classes: Explore local resources like the Loveland Public Library, which offers classes on online safety and technology.

Be a Role Model

  • Demonstrate responsible online behavior: Show your child how to use AI ethically and responsibly.

Additional Resources


By taking a proactive approach to staying informed and engaged, you can help your child navigate the exciting world of AI while ensuring their safety and security online.